How to load fund in Nepali SMM?

  • In this post ,you are going to learn about ,how to add money /fund in our Nepali SMM Panel.Nepali SMM is the leading and best SMM panel in Nepal.

  • To add fund simply you can use auto -payment systme or manual payment method.

  • About Auto -Payment system: In auto payment method ,you can instantly and directly  load money in our panel without any verfication method .Its quick and easy for all users.

  • About Manaul-payment system: In manual payment method ,you can simply send money in provided qr code (specially -Khalti ID-9864551825) and you have to provide screenchot of the payment .You can provide screenshot in two ways:
  •                                    1.In whatsapp: Simply take screenshot of your payment and provide us on whatsapp our payment support team instantly verify your transction and  load fund to your Nepali SMM Account.
  • Through Tickets: You can find tickets section in user panel section ,through tickets simply attach the payment screen shot and send ,our payment support team will verify your transaction and complete your payment.